Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mission Carmel, CA

I can't get enough of California's wonderful missions. I've been to nine of them that I can recall and have a goal to visit all of them eventually, so that's twelve more to go. 

However, I particularly like San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, named for the Archbishop of Milan, and I try to visit it every time I'm in the Carmel-Monterey area. It's simply beautiful. No wonder there's always a wedding underway when I show up! Strolling around the lovely grounds always makes me feel like I am back in Mexico, too. 

There's so much to photograph at Mission Carmel, and this time the weather was on my side - no May gray or June gloom, which this area is famous for...

This particular mission was founded in 1770. Today it is an active Catholic parish and has an interesting museum and a small elementary school on its grounds - what a nice place to go to school, eh? Have you been to any of California's missions?

Click HERE to see photos from my visit to this area a couple of years ago.


Anonymous said...

Carmel may be one of the few missions I have not yet been to. Inticing photos.

Dave Wenning said...

Linnea, beautiful spot, great photos, quintessentially California. Did you know there was a St. Charles Borromeo Church up here in Tacoma?

Kay L. Davies said...

It's a beautiful place, Linnea. My first thought, however, was of how lovely it would be for a retreat. I didn't think of weddings and school children. LOL
Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them.