Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bugorama, 2012

Have you ever heard of Bugorama? Neither had I. Well, Bugorama is a sort of convention for all things related to VW vehicles that are no longer being produced. Who doesn't have a VW Bug, Thing or Bus memory! In fact, my first car was a forest green 1969 VW bug with a sunroof. I bought it used for $1,200 and oh how I got my money's worth out of that car. The VW bug is still alive and well here in California...come enjoy the Bugorama 2012 in Sacramento. Perhaps it's coming soon to a town near you...

Now I drive a Toyota Corolla - in some ways it's sort of the Japanese version of the VW bug, don't you think so?


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I have to catch that the next time it comes to our area. I like the rusty ones. We've had 2 VW bugs. My '67 I blew the engine and repaired it. My wife's '69 (bought new) caught fire and that was it. Now I have VW Golf. She's defected to Honda. Thanks for this post.

Photo Cache said...

that is very cool. i'd enjoy going there and gawking at all the bugs.