Sunday, May 18, 2008

One more trip

On the 21st we leave on the last leg of our travels. We're heading to Germany, Austria, and Hungary so that Z can meet his relatives and visit the areas where his grandmother grew up and where I spent my teenage years. I'm also looking forward to introducing Z to some of my old friends and letting him feast on the fabulous German cuisine. I'm not sure how our internet access will be where we're going, so I've posted some links of some of the places we'll be visiting. Check them out if you'd like...

Here's where my cousin lives and where Z's grandmother was born:

Penzberg is the town where our family had a farm:

Here's the town where Z's grandmother went to boarding school:

Here's the village I lived in:

Here's where Z's great aunt lives:

Here's the area where Z's great uncle lives:

Here's where some of my cousins live:

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